좀 쉬도록 해.
A: I think I’m coming down with something. I’m woozy.
B: Your cheeks are a little flush, as well. Are you feverish?
A: On and off. I thought it was something I ate.
B: No matter what’s causing it, 좀 쉬도록 해.
A: 무슨 병에 걸리려나. 어질어질하네.
B: 볼도 빨갛네. 열이 있니?
A: 열이 났다, 안 났다 해. 먹은 것이 잘못된 것 같아.
B: 뭐 때문이었든 간에, you need to put your feet up.
[Additional expressions]
* I think – I feel like / I’m starting to get the feeling that / Something tells me that
* I’m coming down with something
– I’m getting sick / I’m beginning to feel ill / I’m catching a cold
* I’m woozy. – I’m dizzy. / I’m a bit lightheaded. / I’m a little faint. / I feel nauseous.
* Your cheeks are a little flush
– Your face is red / You’ve got a glowing red color to your face
* Are you feverish? – Do you have a fever? / Is your temperature up? / Is your skin hot?
* On and off.
– Yes and no. / Sometimes I have a fever and sometimes I don’t. / It comes and goes.
* I thought it was something I ate.
– I thought it was because I ate something bad. / I blamed it on some food.
* No matter what’s causing it
– It doesn’t matter what’s making you feel unwell / No matter the cause
* you need to put your feet up – you should rest / you need to get some rest time