카테고리 없음

그러다가 나중에 후회하게 될걸?

yaa94 2021. 5. 3. 08:36

A: I could barely crawl out of the hay this morning.
B: Burning the midnight oil, were you?
A: The truth is I spent half the night watching sports on TV.
B: 그러다가 나중에 후회하게 될거야, for sure.


A: 오늘 아침에 겨우 일어났어.
B: 밤새고 공부했어? 일했어? 밤샜어?
A: 사실은 그 중 절반은 텔레비전으로 스포츠 중계를 보내느라 보냈지.
B: That’ll come back to haunt you,분명히.

[Additional expressions]

* I could barely – I could hardly / I was almost not able to / It was so hard to
* crawl out of the hay – get out of bed / wake up / pull myself out of the sack
* Burning the midnight oil – Working all night / Staying awake most of the night
* The truth is – The fact is / That reality is / The truth of the matter is / In fact
* I spent half the night – For half of the night I was / Until very late I spent my time
* watching sports on TV
– tuned into several sports games on TV / watching televised sports
* That’ll come back to haunt you – You’ll pay for that / That will hurt you in the end
* for sure – without a doubt / no doubt about that / that’s a certainty