나도 그런 적이 있어.
A: I’m having a spate of bad luck. It’s really no fun.
B: 나도 그런 적이 있어. Try changing your daily routine.
A: I can’t avoid going to work and such.
B: Right, but sometimes little adjustments make a difference.
A: 나쁜 일만 계속 되는 걸. 정말 별로야.
B: I’ve been there before. 하루 일과에 변화를 좀 줘봐.
A: 직장에 안 나간다거나 하는 건 할 수 없잖아.
B: 맞아, 하지만 가끔 조금만 변화를 줘도 차이가 난다니까.
[Additional expressions]
* I’m having a spate of bad luck.
– I’m going through a hard time. / These days, things are tough for me.
* It’s really no fun.
– It’s not a very happy time. / I’m not very happy with how things are going.
* I’ve been there before.
– I have that experience. / I know what you’re going through. / That’s happened to me.
* Try changing your daily routine.
– Make an effort to do things differently. / Change your schedule.
* I can’t avoid going to work and such.
– I have no choice but to go to work and other similar things.
* Right – Of course / Yes, that’s true / I understand / That goes without saying
* sometimes little adjustments make a difference
– maybe just small changes can make things much better