너랑 Bill이랑 친척이니?
A: 너랑 Bill이랑 친척이니? You look alike.
B: We’re second-cousins, on my mother’s side. A: Do you have a large extended family?
B: I’ve got relation in all four corners of the country.
A: Are you and Bill blood-related? 닮았거든.
B: 육촌이야, 외가 쪽으로.
A: 너희는 친척이 많니?
B: 전국 방방곡곡에 친척들이 있지.
[Additional expressions]
*Are you and Bill blood-related?
– Is Bill a member of your family? / Are you and Bill in the same family?
*You look alike.
– You have similar appearances. / You share the same features. / Your faces are the same.
*We’re second-cousins
– We’re cousins once-removed / One of his parents and one of mine are first-cousins
*on my mother’s side
– on a branch of my mother’s family tree
*Do you have a large extended family?
– Are there a lot of people in your family? / Do you have many relatives?
*I’ve got relation
– I’ve got relatives / I have people who are related to me / My relatives are
*in all four corners of the country
– all over the country / everywhere in the country / living all over