카테고리 없음

결정을 잘못 내리기도 해.

yaa94 2022. 2. 7. 08:56

A: You’re a stock market risk-taker, aren’t you?
B: That’s not my bag. I make informed investments.
A: Still, there’s no such thing as “a sure thing”.
B: Agreed, but 결정을 잘못 내리기도 해. and some pay off.

A: 넌 주식시장의 고위험 투자자야, 그렇지?
B: 거긴 내 분야가 아니야. 필요한 정보를 잘 듣고 투자하지.
A: 그래도, (투자에서) “확실한 것”이란 건 없잖아.
B: 동감이야, 하지만결정을 잘 못 내릴 때도 있고, 이익이 되는 경우도 있지.

[Additional expressions]
*You’re a stock market risk-taker
– You’re the kind of person who takes chances with the stock market
*aren’t you?
– are you not? / isn’t that so? / wouldn’t you agree?
*That’s not my bag.
– I’m not into that at all. / That’s not what I do. / I’m not interested in that.
*I make informed investments.
– My investment decisions are based on solid facts and information.
– Even so / Nevertheless / Nonetheless / Even if that’s true
*there’s no such thing as “a sure thing”
– no investment is 100% guaranteed to succeed
– I agree / That’s the truth / That’s right
*some decisions stink
– some choices are really foolish / certain investment choices are very bad
*pay off
– provide a great reward / give a good benefit / leave you with a profit