다음 번엔 나도 간다.
A: Do you cast your ballot when elections roll around?
B: I don’t think my vote counts here or there.
A: You’re way off base about that. Your vote is your voice.
B: I suppose you’re right. OK. 다음 번엔 나도 (투표하러) 가겠어.
A: 선거 때면 투표하니?
B: 내 한 표가 뭐 그렇게 중요할라고.
A: 완전 틀린 생각이야. 네 표가 네 목소리라고.
B: 네 말이 맞는 것 같다. Next time, I’m there!
[Additional expressions]
*Do you cast your ballot
- Do you vote / Do you participate in public elections
*when elections roll around
- any time there is an election / during voting seasons
*I don’t think my vote counts
- I don’t feel like my vote is important / My vote doesn’t make any difference
*here or there
- in any way / at all / in any way, shape or form / for anything
*You’re way off base about that.
- You’re so wrong. / You couldn’t be more mistaken about that.
*Your vote is your voice.
- Your vote is a way of saying what you believe in. / Voting gives you a voice.
*I suppose you’re right.
- I guess you could be right about that. / Maybe that’s a good point.
*Next time, I’m there!
- In the next election, I’ll vote! / When I get a chance next time, I’ll cast my vote.