카테고리 없음

훨씬 나쁠 수도 있어.

yaa94 2022. 8. 17. 09:04

A: You can’t beat coffee aroma. It’s heavenly.
B: It’s one of the wonderful daily treats I allow myself.
A: I hate to think I have an addiction, but coffee might be it.
B: 더 나쁜 중독도 걸릴 수 있는데 뭐. It’s a good energizer.

A: 커피 향은 못 이긴다니까. 최고야!
B: 커피는 매일 내가 나한테 해주는 좋은 것 중에 하나야.
A: 뭔가 중독되어 있다는 건 싫지만, 커피는 중독일지도 몰라.
B: You could do a lot worse. 커피는 활력을 준다고.

[Additional expressions]
*You can’t beat coffee aroma.
– Nothing beats the aroma of coffee. / Coffee aroma can’t be beat.
*It’s heavenly.
– It’s like a scent of heaven. / It makes me imagine what heaven must smell like.
*It’s one of the wonderful daily treats
– It’s a daily beautiful experience / It’s a lovely day by day gift
*I allow myself.
– I give to myself. / I let myself have. / I permit for myself.
*I hate to think I have an addiction
– I don’t want to believe that I am addicted to anything
*coffee might be it
– coffee could be my addiction / it might be coffee that I’m hooked on
*You could do a lot worse.
– There are worse choices you could make. / Coffee is not the worst choice.
*It’s a good energizer.
– It gives you a lot of energy. / It’s a good way to get some energy when you need it.