네가 결정해야지.
A: If I travel out of the country, do I need to get shots?
B: If you go into the jungle or ocean, it’s recommended.
A: Can’t I just swallow some kind of pills?
B: I don’t make the rules. 네가 알아서 결정해야지.
A: 해외로 여행 가려면, 예방접종을 해야 할까?
B: 정글이나 바다로 간다면, 그렇게 하는 게 좋대.
A: 그냥 약을 먹으면 안될까?
B: 내가 정할 문제가 아니지. It’s all your call.
[Additional expressions]
*If I travel out of the country
If I go abroad / When I leave the country to go traveling / Traveling overseas
*Do I need to get shots?
Is it required to get vaccinations? / Must I receive inoculations?
*If you go into the jungle or ocean
If your plans include trips into either jungles or into the ocean waters
*it’s recommended
it’s highly suggested / it might be the wise thing to do / they say that you should
*Can’t I just swallow some kind of pills?
Isn’t there an oral medication available?
*I don’t make the rules.
It’s not up to me. / I’m not in charge. / I’m not the one running things.
*It’s all your call.
You decide for yourself. / You make the call. / It’s all in your hands.