
무사히 지나가더라고.

yaa94 2022. 12. 26. 08:57

A: The military is geared up on high alert. It’s scary.
B: I totally agree. I hope tensions don’t escalate.
A: This happens sometimes, but 무사히 지나가더라고.
B: Keep your hopes up that diplomacy works.

A: 군대가 비상 경계 태세에 들어갔어. 무서워.
B: 완전 공감해. 긴장이 더 고조되지 않았음 좋겠어.
A: 이런 일이 가끔 일어나는데, things usually smooth over.
B: 외교적으로 잘 되길 바래봐.

[Additional expressions]
*The military is geared up on high alert.
– The armed forces are currently on raised levels of alert.
*It’s scary.
– It’s frightening. / It’s very troubling. / It’s a cause for concern. / It makes me worry.
*I totally agree.
– I completely understand. / I feel the same way. / I have some of the same concerns.
*I hope tensions don’t escalate.
– It’s my hope that conditions don’t worsen. / I hope it doesn’t get worse.
*This happens sometimes
– Sometimes, things like this happen / Once in a while, this kind of thing occurs
*things usually smooth over
– all problems usually get resolved / all sides normally calm down
*Keep your hopes up that
– Stay positive-minded that / Keep hope alive that
*diplomacy works
– diplomatic relations can handle it / diplomatic leadership can resolve all issues