
뭔 일 있어?

yaa94 2022. 12. 28. 08:17

A: I’ve been out of the loop for ages. 요즘 뭔 일 있어?
B: All the usual suspects are up to the same old things.
A: That’s what I figured. Nothing ever changes much.
B: Nope. You can pick up right where you left off.

A: 요즘 소식 들은 지 오래됐는데. What’s shakin’?
B: 우리 친한 일당들 모두 맨날 똑같지 뭐.
A: 그럴 줄 알았어. 뭐 딱히 달라진 적 없잖아.
B: 그렇지. 네가 소식 못 들었던 때, 딱 거기서 거기야.

[Additional expressions]
*I’ve been out of the loop for ages.
– I haven’t been involved in things for a very long time.
*What’s shakin’?
– What’s up? / What’s cooking? / How are things going? / What’s been going on?
*All the usual suspects are
– Everybody you already know is / All of the people who normally hang out are
*up to the same old things
– still doing the same things as they always have done / all the same
*That’s what I figured.
– I figured as much. / That’s what I thought. / I thought that would be true.
*Nothing ever changes much.
– Things pretty much always stay the same. / Things really don’t ever change.
*You can pick up right where you left off.
– You can join in again at the same place you left.