카테고리 없음

컴퓨터가 말을 안 들어.

yaa94 2023. 3. 6. 09:21

A: Do you use virus protection software on your computer?
B: Just the standard freebie stuff, like for emails, etc.
A: 내 컴퓨터가 말을 안 듣는데 and I’m growing concerned.
B: Don’t click on disreputable sites and you’ll be fine.

A: 너 컴퓨터에 바이러스 프로그램 사용하니?
B: 이메일 바이러스 확인하는 정도의 기본 무료 백신만 있어.
A: My PC has been acting up 점점 더 걱정이 돼서 그러거든.
B: 평판이 안 좋은 사이트를 클릭하지 않으면 괜찮을 거야.

[Additional expressions]
*Do you use virus protection software on your computer?
– Is your computer virus protected?
*Just the standard freebie stuff
– I use only the free anti-virus software / I have only the free software
*like for emails
– the kind they use in emails / the variety that you normally see in email accounts
*My PC has been acting up
– Something is wrong with my PC / My home computer is behaving badly
*I’m growing concerned.
– I’m getting more and more concerned about it. / It’s starting to worry me.
*Don’t click on disreputable sites
– Stay out of bad sites / Don’t visit sites that have a bad reputation
*you’ll be fine
– you’ll have no trouble / everything will be OK / you won’t have a problem