
꼭 할거야.

yaa94 2023. 9. 20. 08:59

A: We used up all our ketchup. Now we’re out.
B: I meant to get some, but it slipped my mind.
A: 꼭 사와야지 to go to the store tomorrow.
B: We should make a list then. We need a bunch of things.

A: 우리 케첩 다 썼어. 이제 없다구.
B: 사려고 했는데, 깜빡 잊어버렸네.
A: 내일 가게에 가서 I’ll make it a point.
B: 그럼 쇼핑 목록을 작성해야겠다. 우리 살 게 많거든.

[Additional expressions]
*We used up all our ketchup.
– We went through all the ketchup we had. / We ate the last of our ketchup.
*Now we’re out.
– Now it’s all gone. / There’s none left. / Now we don’t have any.
*I meant to get some
– I was planning to buy some / I had intentions on picking some up
*it slipped my mind
– I forgot / I failed to remember
*I’ll make it a point to
– I’ll for sure / I’ll make it a priority to / It’ll be high on my “To Do” list to
*go to the store tomorrow
– drop by the store tomorrow / tomorrow make a stop at the store
*We should make a list then.
– It would be smart to compose a list then. / We ought to put a list together then.
*We need a bunch of things.
– There are quite a few things we need. / We’re out of a lot of stuff.