
이게 꿈이야 생시야?

yaa94 2023. 11. 8. 09:09

A: It’s high time we go out to eat some place swanky.
B: You don’t have to work hard to sell me on that idea.
A: I’ll make you a deal. You pick the spot and I’ll get the bill.
B: 이게 꿈이야 생시야? I won’t turn that down.


A: 호화로운 데 가서 외식을 좀 해야 할 때도 됐어.
B: 그런 건 날 설득시키려고 안 해도 되지.
A: 내가 제안할게. 네가 장소를 고르면 내가 낼게.
B: Somebody pinch me. 그걸 내가 거절할 리가 있나.

[Additional expressions]
*It’s high time we go out to eat
– We’re way overdue for going out to eat / It’s about time we go out for dinner
*some place swanky
– some very fancy place / at a very high class restaurant / at a luxury restaurant
*You don’t have to work hard to
– It’s not difficult to / It’s very easy to / You don’t have to twist my arm to
*sell me on that idea
– convince me of that / persuade me to do that / talk me into that
*I’ll make you a deal.
– I’ll make a deal with you. / Let’s agree on something.
*You pick the spot
– You choose the place / You decide on which place to go to
*I’ll get the bill.
– I’ll buy. / I’ll pick up the check. / It’s on me. / It’s my treat.
*Somebody pinch me.
– This can’t be real. / Am I dreaming? / I’m not sure this is really happening!
*I won’t turn that down.
– I can’t say “no” to that. / How can I reject that idea?