
정말 짜증나게 하네.

yaa94 2024. 8. 5. 08:56

A: I can’t bring up the Net on my computer. It’s weird.
B: Nine times out of ten, that kind of thing is virus related.
A: I have to blame spammers then. 정말 짜증나게 하네.
B: Never go near email from an unknown sender.

A: 컴퓨터에 인터넷이 연결이 안되네. 이상해.
B: 그런 건 십중팔구 바이러스 때문이야.
A: 스패머 때문이야. They really irk me.
B: 모르는 데서 온 이메일은 절대 가까이 가지도 마.

[Additional expressions]
*I can’t bring up the Net on my computer.
– My computer won’t let me connect to the Internet.
*It’s weird.
– It’s very unusual. / I can’t explain why. / It’s absolutely bizarre. / It’s really odd.
*Nine times out of ten
– 99% of the time / Almost every time / In almost every instance
*that kind of thing is virus related
– that type of problem occurs due to a computer virus
*I have to blame spammers then.
– I’m sure it’s the fault of spammers. / Spammers did this, I’m certain.
*They really irk me.
– They really make me angry. / Those people make me so frustrated.
*Never go near email
– Never open any email / Do not, under any circumstance, click on email
*from an unknown sender
– if it comes from somebody you don’t know / from someone you don’t know