무엇과도 잘 어울리잖아.
A: I’m sold on red pepper powder. 무엇과도 잘 어울리잖아.
B: If you’re big on spicy food, I totally agree.
A: That’s the thing! You can add it in degrees.
B: Right. Sometimes just a little dab does it.
A: 난 고춧가루 신봉자야. 고춧가루는 It goes with everything.
B: 매운 음식을 좋아하면, 네 말에 완전 공감해.
A: 맞아, 그렇지! 여기 저기 입맛에 맞게 적당히 넣으면 되니까.
B: 그럼. 어떤 땐 조금만 넣어도 맛이 확 살지.
[Additional expressions]
*I’m sold on red pepper powder.
– I’m a true believer in using red pepper powder. / I love red pepper power.
*It goes with everything.
– It’s is a good match with any dish. / It’s an ingredient for any kind of meal.
*If you’re big on spicy food
– If you really enjoy spicy food / If spicy food is what you like to eat
*I totally agree.
– I couldn’t agree more. / I agree completely. / I absolutely concur.
*That’s the thing!
– Right there you have a point! / You’ve touched on the main issue!
*You can add it in degrees.
– You can put in as much as you want. / Put in a little or a lot, it’s up to you.
– Exactly. / Bingo. / Spot on. / You’ve hit the nail on the head.
*Sometimes just a little dab does it.
– Oftentimes using just a small amount is good enough.