2022. 4. 20. 08:56ㆍ카테고리 없음
A: I feel sorry for my kid. His battle with allergies is endless.
B: There’s no cure for that, is there? One just has to cope.
A: Right. However, medication provides a modicum of relief.
B: 행운으로 여기고 감사해야지 that I don’t have to deal with that.
A: 울 애가 불쌍해. 알레르기와의 싸움이 끝이 나질 않네.
B: 치료방법이 없지 않나? 그냥 견뎌야지.
A: 맞아. 하지만, 약을 쓰면 약간 진정되기는 해.
B: I count my lucky stars 난 그런 문제가 없는 걸.
[Additional expressions]
*I feel sorry for my kid.
– My child is having a hard time and it breaks my heart. / I pity my child.
*His battle with allergies is endless.
– He has a never-ending problem regarding allergies.
*There’s no cure for that, is there?
– The doctor’s really can’t offer a cure to solve the problem, can they?
*One just has to cope.
– A sufferer can only endure the situation. / All a victim can do is deal with it.
– That’s right. / That’s true. / That’s the sad fact. / That’s correct.
– That being said / Then again / Although / Nonetheless
*medication provides a modicum of relief
– taking medicine can give a small amount of relief
*I count my lucky stars that
– I’m really happy that / I feel blessed that / I feel so lucky that
*I don’t have to deal with that
– that is not a problem for me / that is not something I have to deal with