How to talk about various practitioners 전문직 종사자
● Is a student of human behavior? 인간의 행동을 연구하나요? 1. behavior 행동 -> A psychologist 심리학자 By education and training, this practitioner is an expert in the dark mysteries of human behavior - what makes people act as they do, why they have certain feelings, how their personalities were formed - in short, what makes them tick. Such a professional is often employed by industries, schools, and instituti..
2020.12.27 -
영단어 개념 정리(전문의와 전공분야)
1. What's wrong with you? 어디가 아픈가요? -> An internist 내과 의사 To find out what ails you and why, this specialist gives you a thorough physical examination, using an impressive array of tests: X ray, blood chemistry, urinalysis, cardiogram, and so on. 이 전문의는 어디가 왜 아픈가를 알아내기 위해서 엑스레이, 혈액의 화학적 분석, 소변 검사, 심전도 검사 등 일련의 엄격한 검사를 통해 건강 상태를 철저히 검진합니다. 2. female troubles? 여성 질환 -> A gynecologist 부인과 의사 This..