나 무슨 병에 걸린 게 분명해.

2022. 7. 18. 09:13카테고리 없음

A: My head is spinning. 무슨 감기에 걸린 게 분명해.
B: It’s running rampant, but don’t give it to me.
A: It’s not my fault. I’d love to be recouping at home.
B: Slip on a mask, at least, so you don’t spread it to others.

A: 머리가 핑핑 돌아. I’m sure I’ve got a bug.
B: 그거 요즘 한창 돌던데, 나한테 옮기지는 마.
A: 내 잘못이 아니거든. 나도 집에서 쉬면서 나았으면 좋겠다.
B: 마스크라도 껴, 그래야 다른 사람들한테 안 옮기지.

[Additional expressions]
*My head is spinning.
– I’m dizzy. / I feel faint. / I’m really lightheaded. / I’m a bit shaky.
*I’m sure I’ve got a bug.
– I’m sick, for sure. / I’ve definitely caught something. / I’ve come down with a bug.
*It’s running rampant
– It’s going everywhere / Everybody’s getting it / It’s a common occurrence
*don’t give it to me
– don’t pass it to me / I don’t want to get it from you
*It’s not my fault.
– I’m not really to blame. / You can’t blame me. / I can’t help it.
*I’d love to be recouping at home.
– I would much prefer to have stayed at home so I could get well.
*Slip on a mask, at least
– Put a mask on, at least / You can at least wear a protective mask
*so you don’t spread it to others
– so that other people don’t have to breathe your germs