그는 고집불통이야.

2022. 11. 7. 08:52영어공부

A: Grandpa needs a hearing aid. He mishears every word.
B: Definitely! I mentioned dinner. He thought I said “thinner”.
A: 고집불통이시지. though. He thinks he hears fine.
B: Let’s convince him it’s high-tech and trendy. He’ll go for that.

A: 할아버지는 보청기를 껴야 하셔. 모든 말을 잘 못 알아들으신다니까.
B: 정말 그래! 내가 ‘dinner’라고 말했는데, ‘thinner’라고 말한 줄 아신다니까.
A: 하지만 He’s mule-headed, 당신이 듣는 데 문제 없는 줄 아신다니까.
B: 할아버지께 첨단기술에 최신 유행 보청기라고 설득해보자. 그럼 끼실 거야.

[Additional expressions]
*Grandpa needs a hearing aid.
– Grandpa is really in need of a hearing aid. / Gramps should get a hearing aid.
*He mishears every word.
– He hears everything wrong. / He never hears anything the right way.
– No doubt! / Absolutely right! / That’s the truth! / You’re spot on right about that!
*I mentioned dinner.
– I said the word “dinner”. / I was speaking about dinner.
*He thought I said “thinner”.
– He heard what I said as “thinner”. / What he heard was “thinner”.
*He’s mule-headed, though.
– He’s very stubborn, though. / He’s not easily convinced, however.
*He thinks he hears fine.
– He doesn’t believe he’s got a problem. / He refuses to believe he can’t hear.
*Let’s convince him it’s high-tech and trendy.
– We have to sell him on the idea that it’s cool and modern.
*He’ll go for that.
– He’ll like that. / He’ll go along with that idea. / That’s something he’ll like.

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