너무 비싼데로 가지 마.

2023. 7. 12. 09:00영어공부

A: I’m taking the in-laws to dinner. Where’s good?
B: 너무 비싼데로 가지 마. They’ll think you waste money.
A: I don’t want to look like “Captain Cheapie”.
B: Keep it simple. Impress them with frugality.

A: 시댁 식구와 처가 식구들한테 나가서 저녁식사를 대접하려고 하는데. 어디가 좋니?
B: Don’t go flashy. 너가 돈을 낭비한다고 생각하실거야.
A: “짠순이(짠돌이)”로 찍히기는 싫은데.
B: 간단하게 해. 알뜰 정신으로 잘 보여봐.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m taking the in-laws to dinner.
– I’m going to treat my spouse’s parents to a night out for dinner.
*Where’s good?
– Where’s a good place? / Do you know any really good places? / Can you suggest a place?
*Don’t go flashy.
– Don’t be too fancy. / Don’t try to find the best, most expensive place. / Stay modest.
*They’ll think you waste money.
– They’ll get the impression that you just throw money away easily.
*I don’t want to look like
– I don’t want to appear to be / I’m not trying to make them think that I’m
*“Captain Cheapie”
– a cheapskate / a penny-pincher / a miser / “Cheap Charlie”
*Keep it simple.
– Keep everything to a minimum. / Do things in a small and simple way.
*Impress them with frugality.
– Show them how frugal you can be. / Prove that you are good with money.

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