그 기계 좀 내려놓지.

2024. 11. 13. 08:55영어공부

A: I’m developing a case of “smartphone elbow”.
B: That’s the newest malady that’s sweeping the nation.
A: I’ve tried holding it at arm’s length, but it’s awkward.
B: Just 그 기계 좀 내려놓지. for a while.

A: 스마트폰 앨보우가 생긴 것 같아.
B: 그거 우리나라를 휩쓰는 신종 질병이잖아.
A: 팔꿈치를 쭉펴고 들려고 하는데, 어색해서 못하겠어.
B: put the contraption down.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m developing a case of “smartphone elbow”.
– My elbow is beginning to hurt from smartphone use.
*That’s the newest malady
– That’s the latest injury / That is becoming the most recent problem
*sweeping the nation
– spreading across the country / going around among all the people
*I’ve tried holding it at arm’s length
– I’ve made an effort to keep my arm straight out away from me
*it’s awkward
– it’s not comfortable / it’s a weird position / it doesn’t feel more comfortable
*Just put the contraption down
– Stop using it so much / Try not playing with it
*for a while
– for the time being / for a resting period / for a bit

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