2022. 9. 26. 08:52ㆍ영어공부
A: Jane is so snooty. Haughty people bother me to no end.
B: She’s a wannabe, that’s for sure. 그냥 넘어가.
A: That’s hard to do when she’s always flaunting.
B: Putting on a show makes her feel more important.
A: 제인은 너무 도도해. 그렇게 오만한 사람들은 볼 때마다 싫더라.
B: 제인이 뭐 인척 하고 싶어하는 것은 분명하지. Let it slide.
A: 걔가 그렇게 늘 자랑만 해대는데 어떻게 그래.
B: 걔는 자랑을 하면 자기가 더 중요한 사람으로 느껴지나 봐.
[Additional expressions]
*Jane is so snooty.
– Jane is really snobbish. / Jane has a really high and mighty attitude.
*Haughty people bother me to no end.
– Conceited folks really annoy me a lot. / I can’t stand arrogant people.
*She’s a wannabe
– She thinks she is better than she really is / She believes she is better than everyone
*that’s for sure
– there’s no doubt about that / that’s a fact / that’s the simply truth of the matter
*Let it slide.
– Forget it. / Don’t let it bother you. / Ignore all that. / Don’t pay attention to that.
*That’s hard to do
– That’s not so easy to do / I find that pretty hard to do / That’s easier said than done
*when she’s always flaunting
– since she’s always on parade / because she is constantly showing off
*Putting on a show
– Making a show for everyone to see / Putting herself in the spotlight all the time
*makes her feel more important
– gives her a feeling of importance / inflates her ego
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