사장님이 날 앉혀놓고 말씀하시더라?

2023. 4. 19. 09:11영어공부

A: 우리 사장님이 나를 따로 앉혀놓고 for a one-on-one chitchat.
B: They’re not letting you go, are they?
A: Not at all. They’re offering me an overseas position.
B: Wow! That’ll take some serious consideration.

A: My boss sat me down 일대일로 얘기를 했어.
B: 회사에서 나가라는 건 아니겠지?
A: 전혀 아니야. 해외 지사 파견을 가겠냐 그러더라.
B: 와! 고민 좀 되겠는걸.

[Additional expressions]
* My boss sat me down
– My boss brought me in to the office / I got sat down at work by my boss
* for a one-on-one chitchat
– to have a private conversation / so that we could talk privately
* They’re not letting you go, are they?
– Are they firing you? / Are you getting fired? / Did they kick you out?
* Not at all.
– Not even close to being right. / That’s so far from what actually happened.
* They’re offering me an overseas position.
– They want me to fill a vacancy at a job in a foreign country.
* Wow!
– Great! / That’s fantastic! / Amazing! / How cool is that?!
* That’ll take some serious consideration.
– You’ll really have to give that a lot of serious thought.

'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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